Jan 18, 2010

Long Horn

Baby is the most adorable creature in the world. Baby can cry loudly in the middle of the night, pees at your lap while you’re holding him, poops wherever he wants and you still call him “what a cute little baby.”

Baby plays many roles in the society. For some people, having baby boy is more proudly than having a baby girl. Baby boy is believed as the heir of family name and a leader of the family. Baby boy is also believed as a great investment to gain wealthy and social status.

So when this baby boy comes to the world, this little family is very excited. The status of the family will rise.

This baby is born healthy. He has a beautiful smile and soft skin. But there is something unusual on his head. It’s like a horn stuck on his forehead. His parents look shocking. They think the baby is an evil.

“We can’t have him. He’s a devil. Look at his horn.” the father says. This night is a sad night for the baby. His father puts him in a blanket. It covers his body from head to his little feet. Then he grabs a basket near him and puts the baby in it. The baby is sleeping, not knowing what his father does to him. The father takes the basket to the river. He looks at the baby again, wonders if he’s making a mistake. But the horn on baby’s head covers his conscience. He is too afraid. He puts bowl filled with rice and an egg next to baby’s head. Then the basket is flowing away to the river.

The father doesn’t know that there is a girl following him from his house to the river. She is hiding behind big tree watching him flows a baby to the river. When the father leaves, she comes out. Under a moon light, she looks worried and afraid. She is trying to reach the basket but it’s too far from her hand. The basket flows through the river, getting far from the edge. The girl follows the basket from the edge of the river.

Whenever the baby’s crying, she sings to the basket”my baby brother, don’t worry. Your sister’s here. You’re not alone. If you’re hungry, eat the rice in the bowl.”

For couple days, she has followed the basket. The egg has broken and a chick comes out of it. The chick then becomes the baby’s friend.

One day, the basket is stuck in a branch of tree on the water. The girl reaches the basket. She gets the baby out of it and takes the bowl and the chicken with her.

They stay near the river. If they’re hungry, she cooks the rice or gets fruits in the forest.

As they’ve grown, the chicken has become a rooster. It’s a dashing rooster. It has large wings and great crest. Now they decide to go out from the forest, try to find a better luck in another land.

They walk through the forest to near village. When they get there, the guards of the gate don’t let them in. “You look weird. You got curse or something?” The guards look at the boy’s head.

“No, I just have unusual thing in my head. But it’s not a curse or anything. Please, let us pass.” the boy said.

“I see you have a rooster” the guard is checking the boy’s bag. A rooster’s head comes out from the bag. “It’s a nice rooster. I’ll let you pass if you can win the cockfighting” he gets his rooster and put it to the ground. “But if you lose, your rooster is mine and you are going to be my slave.” the guard gives his condition.

“Ok. If I win this bet, you’ll let us in” the boy gets his rooster out of his bag and put it to the ground. Other people are swarming to see the cockfighting. They also put their money on the rooster.

The roosters are face to face on the ground. When the guard gives mark, they start to fight. The boy’s rooster pecks the guard’s rooster. The blood comes out of rooster’s head. The guard looks unpleased with his rooster. The gamblers are shouting. The guard’s rooster is knockdown. The boy wins the bet. The guards let them pass and give the money from the bet.

When they arrive at another village, the same thing happens. The guards want to bet the rooster as their condition for entering the village. And if the boy wins, he’ll get the money from the bet. The boy put his rooster to the ground and the cockfight begins. The boy’s rooster attacks the guard’s rooster. It doesn’t give a change for the opponent to fight back. The boy’s rooster wins easily. So they enter the village with lots money in their pocket.

They rest at a drink place. A waiter takes their order. He looks at them and asks “I’ve never seen you before. Where are you from?”

“We come from a distance.” the boy said.

“What is that on your head?” the waiter looks amazed.

“It’s like a horn. I’ve got this since I was born” then the boy starts telling their story. The waiter listens well.

“I heard a story about devil’s kid when I was a boy.” the waiter said. ”There was a rumor about a boy born with a horn on his forehead. A midwife told me long time ago. But the parents deny that it was their boy. They said their son was died. This family was rich but now everything had gone. They’re just a poor old couple” the waiter ends his story. 

The boy is shock hearing the waiter’s story. It’s probably his life story.

“Where are they?” the boy asks curious.

“They live not far from here. Just follow the road, you’ll get there.” the waiter says.

They continue walking and follow the road just like the waiter said. At the end of the road, there is a house covers with high bushes. The roof is almost unrecognized. The house looks abandoned. It’s like nobody lives there. But there’s an old man comes out. The girl looks surprise. She remembers that face. It’s old but that the face of her father.

“Father... “the girl calls him.

The old man looks surprise seeing his daughter out side the door. And he looks more shock when he sees the boy next to her, a boy with a horn on his forehead. Suddenly his tears come out from his eyes. Terrible regrets fill his heart. He remembers what he did long time ago to his son.

“My son... I’m sorry” he holds the boy.

The boy is just standing there. His heart is cold with sad and anger. He doesn’t say anything, just staring the old man.

In children story book I red, the boy didn’t forgive his parents. He left them like they left him. The parents regretted until they died.

Now, to me, that doesn’t sound a good ending. I know what they did was terrible. Loving money and status more than their son is just mean. But fighting with parents just makes you more miserable, either you’re right or wrong. You know, people do mistakes all the time, sometime the mistake is worst and hard to forgive. But when they already regret it and ask for your forgiveness, you should forgive them, right? Do you know regret is a killer? Live with guilty feeling is really killing you slowly. It really does. So give your forgiveness. It’s a noble thing to do.

So, in this story, I like if the ending is like this: the boy forgives his father. They’re together again, forget the whole thing and start a new life. And this time, the rooster has company. They breed hen and start a chicken farm. But it’s not for cockfighting, only for eggs and meat.

Cockfighting is not a good way of making money. It looks easy and fun but it also brings many negative consequences. It tortures your rooster. You get sin for that and betting. You become lazy and your money will lose easily.

Jan 7, 2010

To Dilaling

Once upon a time, kingdom of Napo was ruled by a crazy king called King Balanipa. The king thought that the kingdom was his little toy so he could play what ever he wanted. He could order anything to anyone and no body would against him. Since he know that power was very sweet, he got too much and drunk. The king became very irrational and lived in afraid. He didn’t trust anyone. He always thought someone would take his throne. He protected it very tight and wouldn’t let anyone got change to rule the kingdom. And because of this crazy irrational thought, he killed his sons so there was no heir in his kingdom. (It reminds me of Pharaoh’s story)

One day, the queen got pregnant again. She got feeling it was a boy. She was afraid that the king would kill him. So she asked the court adviser to protect the baby. ”Please, I need you to save him. If the king knows his baby is a boy, he will kill him.” the queen begged.” I can’t see him die” her eyes started to cry. She couldn’t stand thinking about her baby’s fate. It was just too tragic.

The adviser, Puang Mosso, was a kind person. He couldn’t let an innocent baby died because his crazy father was drunk by power. He thought something, something that might save the baby.

When the baby’s date was getting closer, Puang Mosso persuaded the king to go hunting. ”It’s a hunting season, my King. There are many dears to hunt. The clouds are clear. It’s a perfect time. You don't want to miss them, do you?” Puang Mosso organized his words carefully. “Don’t worry about the queen. I’ll guard her with my soul.”

The king liked hunting. So when Puang Mosso put those words in his ears, he couldn’t reject. ”You are right, Puang Mosso. It’s perfect time.”

“Prepare a horse for me. I’m going for hunting” he ordered his guards.

While his guards prepared the hunting equipments, the king talked quietly to his adviser “Puang Mosso, when the baby is born, I want you to make sure it is a girl. If it is a boy, you have to eliminate him. There is no room for a boy in my palace.”

“Yes, my king” Puang Mosso answered.

In the middle of the night, the queen was giving birth to a baby boy. He was handsome but he had a really dark and hairy tongue. The queen gave the baby to Puang Mosso. “Save him.” She begged.

“Don’t worry, my queen. I’ll save him” Puang Mosso put him in a blanket and brought him outside the palace. Puang Mosso then smeared blood from the birth to his dog nose and sent it to the king in the forest. The king believed that the baby was eliminated.

Meanwhile the baby was treated by Puang Mosso’s trusted people. He grew as a healthy boy. Puang Mosso was afraid that the boy was founded by the king so he sent him to Salemo Island, away from Napo hill.

As the boy grew, he became strong little guy. He liked running and climbing tree. One day, when he climbed a tree, a large black hawk gripped him and took him far away. It was hanging him for couple hours. When the hawk got exhausted, it released him in the middle of paddy field. The farmers were amazed when they saw a child dropping off by hawk. One of them reported him to the King.

“My King, there was a boy in my field. He came from the sky, dropping off by large black hawk. He must be God’s son” the farmer said.

“Hmmm… Bring him to me” the King ordered. The king turned out to be the King of Gowa. The king looked the boy. He turned the boy, checked every little detail of his body. When he saw the boy’s tongue, he was surprised “He is not just a boy. He must bring luck for this kingdom”

“Get him food and clothes. Teach him everything he needs to know. He’s going to be Gowa’s soldier” The King ordered.

Under King’s surveillance, the boy learned to fight. Soon he became young soldier. He was smart so he could easily understand all the lessons that had been taught. He was agile too. No wonder he became the best soldier in his class. When he was old enough, the King sent him to war. Because of his braveness and smart tactics, they always won the wars. The King then made him as his General. The Gowa’s King knighted him as I Manyambungi.

As time went by, King Balanipa died. How hard he tried to hold the throne, it would go to another person. Nothing would last forever, not even your breath. The throne had a new king. King Lego ruled Napo. I’m not sure how he got it since King Balanipa didn’t have heir. Maybe there was power struggle among them, and then King Lego killed King Balanipa, I don’t know. Leave it to historians, ok.

Unfortunately, King Lego was nothing different then the old King Balanipa. He was drunk by power too. He killed people like he killed ants. The people of Balanipa lived in terror. They wanted to fight but the King Lego and his men were too strong for them. Their fights were easily defeated. They then decided to get some help from another Kingdom. They heard about the great General of Gowa, the powerful man who won every battle. They sent someone to ask help.

The messenger met I Manyambungi. He said his aim and hoped I Manyambungi wanted to help them.

“Where are you from, Sir?” I Manyambungi asked his guess.

“I’m from Napo.” The man said.

Hearing the word ‘Napo’, I Manyambungi stood. His mind went to his childhood. He remembered Puang Mosso, the old man who always protected him. “It had been a long time since I met him. Puang Mosso must have gray hair now” I Manyambangi thought about Puang Mosso.

“King Lego is very cruel. We live in tyranny. We can’t fight him. He’s too strong. Will you help us?” the messenger asked.

“If you want my help, there’s one thing you must do.” I Manyambungi said.

“What is it?” the man asked.

“Bring Puang Mosso here. Then we can talk about help you need” I Manyambangi said his condition.

The messenger went home. All the people surrounding him wondered about the news he brought. The messenger then told about the condition that I Manyambungi asked.

“Why he wanted Puang Mosso?” another person asked.

“I don’t know. Defeating King Lego is not easy. Puang Mosso is the greatest man that this Kingdom ever had. Maybe Puang Mosso is the price he wants.” the other man said.

“It could be. So Puang Mosso, what do you think?” the people asked.

“I’ll do what ever it takes for my kingdom. If my soul can bring the joy to this kingdom, I’ll do it” Puang Mosso said with no doubt on his voice. He was ready and confident.

Then Puang Mosso ready to go to Gowa Kingdom. He was accompanied by several soldiers. When he got there, he met I Manyambangi but he didn’t recognized the little baby he was saved.

“I Manyambangi, I’m Puang Mosso. I ‘ll give you my soul for exchange of your help.” Puang Mosso gave his honor to I Manyambangi.

I Manyambangi stood in front of Muang Posso. He was staring at him. He recognized the face and the voice of Muang Posso. “Muang Posso, didn’t you remember me?” I Manyambangi asked.

Muang Posso got surprised with the question. He looked I Manyambangi carefully, trying to recognize the young man who standing in front of him. But his old head couldn’t think of anyone he knew. “I’m sorry I can’t remember you. Have we met?” Puang Mosso asked.

“Do you remember this?” I Manyambangi stick his tongue out. Puang Mosso was surprised saw a dark and hairy tongue. He remembered that tongue. It was tongue of King Balanipa’s son that he saved long time ago.

“It’s you. Oh, my king’s son. You still live” Puang Mosso hold I Manyambangi. “You’ve became a great man now. I’m so proud of you”

“Puang Mosso, tell me about the kingdom.” I Manyambangi said.

Puang Mosso told I Manyambangi about King Balanipa and King Lego. I Manyambangi decided to take over Napo. He gathered his army and attacked Napo.

With his super power, I Manyambangi defeated King Lego. I Manyambangi ruled Napo and made the Kingdom wealthy. Because I Manyambangi moved back from Gowa to Napo, South Sulawesi, he was known as To Dilaling. It means person who moved.

Nov 13, 2009

Princess Green of Old Deli

Years ago, Princess Green and her brothers, Mambang Jazid and Mambang Khayali, ruled Kingdom of Aru. They lived at a city called Old Deli. The three of them were known with their mysticism. Mambang Jazid could disappear and transformed into dragon. Princess Green emitted green light from her body and smelt very fragrant. And Mambang Khayali could transform into cannon. People believed they were half gods.

The beauty and the mysticism of Princess Green were famous to neighbor kingdoms. King of Aceh was attracted to her. He wanted to marry the princess. So he sent his trusted man to Old Deli to propose the princess.

When the man arrived to the castle, he spoke his aim. He said that his King, King of Aceh, would like to ask the princess to be his wife and the queen of Aceh Kingdom. Unfortunately the princess has no feeling for the King. She refused his propose. Sultan’s man went home with sad news for his King.

Meanwhile the King waited his man with anxious feeling. When he saw his man entered the gate, he called him and asked him about the princess’s answer. The man told the King that the princess said no to his propose. When the King heard it, he became angry. He felt her rejection was an insult for him. The king was never got any rejection for anything he wanted. People always did what he wanted. No body ever denied him. Now this princess rejected him, his ego couldn’t accept it.

King could not let this go. He walked around his room, thinking what he would do. Aru Kingdom had a wide region so he thought if he invaded the Aru Kingdom, he would get the princess and expand his kingdom. It was like picking up two golden in one way.

Then the king started his plan. He gathered up his armies and attacked Aru Kingdom. The armies sailed from Deli River. The soldiers from Aru Kingdom already heard about the attacking and they were prepared for a war with Aceh Kingdom.

First attack from Aceh Kingdom could not paralyzed Aru Kingdom. The soldiers fought very bravely. The Aceh soldiers tried to attack again. But they still couldn’t win this war. The Aru fort was build based on natural and build in defense. It was located between two valleys and flowed by the river on the side. And the fort was surrounded by bamboo trees and that made difficult to get through. It was a genius strategic military system that time for facing the enemies. The enemies had to cross the river first before they planned to attack, and then climbed the hill to get in to the fort. And when they got into the fort, they were already exhausted and got defeated easily.

King of Aceh had lost many of his soldiers and still could defeated Aru soldiers. He and his commanders used another ways. They prepared cannons to breakdown the fort. The cannons were filled with gold coins, and then the coins were fired to the fort. The Aru soldiers were excited to see gold coins flew through the air. They left their guard posts and fought each other for the coins. The surveillances became weak. The soldiers of Aceh saw this as an opportunity to attack the fort. So they did. After a while, they could enter the fort but the soldiers inside still made a defense. They still fought for the fort.

See the situation in critical, Mambang Khayali transformed into cannon. He and his soldiers still fought bravely. But Mambang Khayali was exhausted since he had to fire canisters all the time. Suddenly he couldn’t hold out anymore, the cannon became very hot and exploded in half. The head of the cannon was thrown far away. Some people said it was thrown to Aceh, some said to Karo land. I don’t know. All I heard it was far away.

Mambang Jazid knew they were going to the wall. He transformed to be a dragon and ran away with Princess Green from drain through the river. But the enemies found out about the escaping. They chased them and got the princess but the dragon got away.

The princess became a prisoner of King Aceh. She was taken to Aceh Kingdom but before she left her kingdom, she asked a condition to the King. She wanted to be kept in a glasses chest and the King could not touch her before they were at Aceh. The King agreed.

When they arrived at Aceh land, princess green asked another condition to the King. If he wanted to marry her, he must hold a ceremony for her. His people must brought eggs and rice to the beach. Princess Green got out from her chest and led the ceremony. Suddenly the sky looked dark and the wind became faster. The lightning was stroking. The rain felt very heavy. Then, something was moving from the sea. First it was just a dot and further became something big and performed a silhouette of a dragon. The sound of it was very loud. It looked angry. People were running away taking cover themselves. Then the tale of the dragon crashed the ship. Princess Green took cover in to the chest. Then, the dragon took the chest and left to the sea. The King of Aceh was angry because her bride left him.

This story happened based on true story. Aru was a big Kingdom. The region started from Rokan River and Tamiang. Sadly this Kingdom had no cultural inheritances. You can see the ruins of Aru Kingdom at Deli, East Sumatra. The fighting between Kingdom of Aru and Aceh was happened in 15th century. Before this, Aceh and Aru already had fights couple times and that made Aru had to move its Capital City. The last city was Old Deli. In here, they built fort for holding the enemy’s aggressions. The fort was surrounding by bamboo trees. The contour of the land, which was between two valleys, was chosen to build natural defense mechanism. That was why the Aceh soldier had some trouble to attack Aru. Then they decided to do a new trick, bribing the commanders of Aru so they would leave their guard posts. And sadly this trick was successful. The defenses became weak and the enemies got through to the fort. Meanwhile the queen and her people rescued to forests, the soldiers inside the fort still made resistances. They fired canisters from big cannon that they bought from a Portuguese fugitive. The continuously of firing made the cannon hot and exploded in half. The Aru was defeated.

Anggi Nini was trying to get the Kingdom back. She and her people performed guerrilla war. But this thing didn’t work well. So Anggi Sini escaped. She sailed to Malaka to get help. The ship was built with dragon carved.

Jun 19, 2009

The Legend of Bidadari Lake (Angel Lake)

There was time when the lake became such a magical place. The purity of the water was never touched by human contamination. The lake was surrounded by shade trees and that made the air was very refreshing. That magical place was very attractive for angels. They usually came down to earth and bathed in the lake and felt the fresh water. The lake then became their playground. One day the angels were bathing in the lake. They were very comfort with the surrounding and didn’t realize that there were human eyes watching. These eyes were fascinated with the beauty of the angels. Those eyes were belonged to Awang Sukma. Awang Sukma was young man who lived near the lake. He liked to collect birds when the tangerine trees were flowering. He rubbed sap in laths of bamboos. Those laths were called pulut. The pulut were put in the branched of flowers. When a bird came to the flower, the wings would stick to the pulut and the bird couldn’t get off. And because what he did, Awang Sukma was known as Datu Pulut. Awang Sukma liked to play seruling when he was waiting the birds. His playing was well-known so he also was called Datu Suling.

That day, Awang Sukma was doing his day work. He was sitting under a tree waiting for the birds. The breezy of wind was so cozy and made him sleep. He woke up by surprise when he heard sounds of people. He looked for the sounds and he found beautiful girls were bathing in the lake. Awang Sukma stood still in his place, behind big tree. Then he saw shawls were hung on a branch of tree near him. “I’ve never seen such beautiful shawls.” Awang Sukma touched a shawl with his hand. “It’s very soft too. They must be angels that villagers talked about.” Awang Sukma took that shawl and put it under his shirt.

The girls finished their bath and prepared to leave the lake. They wore their clothes on and their slaves. Suddenly one of them screamed “I can’t find my shawl. Where is it?”

“Where were you put it?” asked the other girl.

“I put here, next to my cloth” the girl said. She looked panic.

“Ok. Don’t panic. We’ll look for it.” Her friends tried to comfort her.

Awing Sukma was still standing in silence behind the big tree watching the girls looking the shawl that he took.

“We’ve looked everywhere and we can’t find it. Maybe a dear took it” one of them said.

“We have to go. It’s getting dark.”

“No, don’t leave me here.” the girl started to cry.

“But we can’t stay. I’m sorry, my sister. May gods protect you tonight.” they hold their sister. The other girls then tied their shawls in their waist and hold the tips. Then slowly they started to fly. Awang Sukma was surprise to see them flying.
After everybody left, Awang Sukma went out from his hiding and walked to the girl that left behind. “Are you, ok?” he asked softly.

“No, I’m not ok. I’m alone here. I’m lost. I can’t go home” the girl was crying.

“Don’t worry. You can stay with me.” Awang Sukma said gently, gave his charm to her”I’m a nice person. I won’t do harm to you.”

The girl then stayed with Awang Sukma. Time passed by, Awang Sukma and the angel girl had married. For these years, Awang Sukma still didn’t tell her about the shawl. He still hid the shawl in the rice barn.

But you can’t hide a bad secret forever. It will show up and eat you someday.
And that day came for Awang Sukma was when a black chicken entered his barn and made it messy. The wife took broom to scare the chicken and got rid of it. Suddenly her eyes saw something shiny in the rice. She approached it and was very surprise when she saw something that very familiar for her long time ago.

Awang Sukma entered the barn and was shock when he saw his wife was standing there holding a shawl that he hid all this time.

“It was you?” his wife asked him. She could not believe that her own husband who took her shawl. “How could you do this?” she was very disappointed with Awang Sukma.
“I’m sorry. I just… I don’t want you leave me.” Awang Sukma tried to give explanation and hoped his wife would forgive him.

“I have to go. I can’t stay here. I don’t belong here.” His wife tied the shawl to her waist and flew. She left Awang Sukma cried alone.

Since then Awang Sukma swore that he or his progeny would never keep black chicken. It was a bad luck for him. The lake that was used to bathe for angels was called Bidadari Lake or in English -Angel Lake. You can find the lake at Pematang Gadung Village, South Kalimantan.

You know, Arya Menak had the same story with Awang Sukma. They both married with beautiful angel and they also had the same destiny, being left alone when their wife found their shawl.

So let me give you advices about how to win a girl heart:

Rule number one: do not peep when they were taking a bath at the lake. That’s not polite. Just wait till they finish and then introduce your self.

Rule number two: do not steal her cloth, make her cry and then you show up as her knight, pretending like you can save her from her pain. That’s not a gentleman at all. Being her knight is good but never be the person who also gives that pain.

Rule number three: do not blame your mistake to a chicken. It’s already its nature to eat rice. You have to responsible for your own behavior. In this story, the girl left because she was disappointed to her husband for hiding her shawl not because black chicken was a sign for a bad luck.

Rule number four: if the start is good, the end will good. If the start is bad, the end will bad. You can not hide ‘dead fish forever’, sweetheart. The smell will go around someday.

May 29, 2009

Atu Belah (Split Stone)

This story is a sad story. People who lived in Penurun Village, Gayo believe this story ever happened. There’s a big stone in there and known as Atu Belah which means split stone. Atu Belah is famous because a tragedy that happened to a family who lived in there. This family was a simple and humble one. They had two children. The father was a farmer. But during the dry season, he went for hunting too. Sometime he went home with a dear or bunny. But if he couldn’t get any hunting , he brought grasshoppers.

One day, father went for hunting and he came late. His children were crying because they were hungry and had nothing to eat.” I’m hungry mother. My stomach's hurt" they cried. The tears flew from their innocent eyes. No mother could resist that. So she took the grasshoppers that she kept for her husband and cooked it for her children. I’m telling you, mother heart will tear every time she sees tears from their children eyes. So if you want to get something from your mother, you can use your tears. She will run for it. But I will not recommend that because you are not allowed to manipulate your mother. It’s a big sin.

Anyway, the father was home in the middle of the night. He looked upset because he came home with nothing on his hands. He went through the kitchen and sat in the chair”give me food." he ordered his wife.
"We don't have any food anymore. The children ate them all" the mother said. The father suddenly became angry. He welled to his sons” You... stupid sons. You ate all food and left nothing for me". His hand was going to hit the boys but the mother went into the middle and covered her sons. "Don’t hit him" she begged. Father got angrier because the mother was in his way so he hit her. The children were scream and cry. They were so afraid seeing their mother was beaten like that. It was awful. They begged their father not to do that. But he couldn't control his anger and kept hitting her.

When he got tired for hitting, he went to bed and slept. The mother’s body was brushes. She walked outside lumbered. Her feet were bleeding. She was in pain. Her children followed her. Three of them walked in cry. In front of the big stone, the mother stopped. She sat next to the stone and leaned on it. Her children were standing behind her and still cried silently. Then the mother said desperately “split stone, the time of our promise has come.”

Suddenly the stone was split in half. The mother was put herself in it and then the stone closed again slowly. The children were trying to follow her too but their little feet weren’t fast enough. The stone was closed when their hands reached it. It only left some of their mother’s hair. They took it and kept it as charm to remember her.

I don’t know what happened next because the story was end. But all I know for sure that they had to live alone in the hard world except if the father was sorry and changed. So he could be a good father. But no matter what he would do, nothing can bring the mother back and that will leave scar in his children heart forever. So no matter how hard your life is, don’t ever lose control when you’re angry. You don’t know what kind of scar you might leave.